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Able Seaman Thomas Lockie
First World WarBombardier George Carlan
First World WarCaptain Geoffrey Tugwell
First World WarCaptain Robert Lumgair
First World WarCompany Quartermaster Sergeant Robert Ballantyne
First World WarCompany Sergeant Major James Stewart, D.C.M.
First World WarCompany Sergeant Major John Macintyre
First World WarCorporal Charles Johnston, M.M.
First World WarCorporal Charles Yule
First World WarCorporal Hugh Collier
First World WarCorporal James Jamieson
First World WarCorporal John Rae
First World WarCorporal Robert Herkes
First World WarCorporal Robert Miller
First World WarCorporal Thomas Bateman
First World WarCorporal William Henderson
First World WarCorporal William Hogg
First World WarCorporal William Nichol
First World WarGreaser William Bell
First World WarGunner Andrew Stewart
First World WarGunner George Balloch
First World WarGunner George Geddes
First World WarGunner George Scott
First World WarGunner James Freer
First World WarGunner James Thomson
First World WarGunner John Scott
First World WarGunner Joseph Michiels
First World WarGunner Thomas Douglas
First World WarGunner Thomas Robson
First World WarGunner William Sinclair
First World WarLance Corporal Alexander Elliot
First World WarLance Corporal Archibald Reid
First World WarLance Corporal Donald Reid
First World WarLance Corporal George Buchan
First World WarLance Corporal George Hogg
First World WarLance Corporal George Hume
First World WarLance Corporal George Lockie
First World WarLance Corporal James Renton
First World WarLance Corporal James Turnbull
First World WarLance Corporal John Bell
First World WarLance Corporal John Palfrey
First World WarLance Corporal Peter Finney
First World WarLance Corporal Peter Turnbull
First World WarLance Corporal Robert Armstrong
First World WarLance Corporal Robert Walker
First World WarLance Corporal Thomas Macdonald
First World WarLance Corporal Thomas Pendrigh
First World WarLance Corporal Thomas Turnbull
First World WarLance Corporal Walter Johnstone
First World WarLance Corporal William Douglas
First World WarLance Corporal William Grieve
First World WarLance Corporal William Henderson
First World WarLance Corporal William Rathie
First World WarLance Corporal William Ruthven
First World WarLance Corporal William Thomson
First World WarLance Sergeant Harry McGuire M.M.
First World WarLance Sergeant Robert Millar
First World WarLieutenant Colonel Charles Ballard
First World WarLieutenant Douglas Brown
First World WarLieutenant James Armstrong M.C.
First World WarLieutenant Thomas Alexander
First World WarOrdinary Seaman Thomas Mitchell
First World WarPrivate Adam Brydone
First World WarPrivate Adam Gall
First World WarPrivate Adam Veitch
First World WarPrivate Adam Watson
First World WarPrivate Alexander Baptie
First World WarPrivate Alexander Brown
First World WarPrivate Alexander Colville
First World WarPrivate Alexander Cuthill
First World WarPrivate Alexander Kennaway
First World WarPrivate Alexander Scott
First World WarPrivate Andrew Brown
First World WarPrivate Andrew Chisholm
First World WarPrivate Andrew Hislop
First World WarPrivate Andrew McBain
First World WarPrivate Andrew McBain
First World WarPrivate Andrew Steele
First World WarPrivate Andrew Watson
First World WarPrivate Archibald Henderson
First World WarPrivate Archibald Ormiston
First World WarPrivate Archibald Tait
First World WarPrivate Arthur Lawrie
First World WarPrivate Arthur Sword
First World WarPrivate Ben Wallis
First World WarPrivate Bertram Scott
First World WarPrivate Bertram Tyson
First World WarPrivate Charles Brodie
First World WarPrivate Charles Bush
First World WarPrivate Charles Lawson
First World WarPrivate Charles Linton
First World WarPrivate Daniel Delaney
First World WarPrivate David Christie
First World WarPrivate David Nisbet
First World WarPrivate David Tait
First World WarPrivate David Wilton
First World WarPrivate Donald Douglas
First World WarPrivate Edward Gibson
First World WarPrivate Forrest Hall
First World WarPrivate Francis Scott
First World WarPrivate Francis Scott
First World WarPrivate George Aitchison
First World WarPrivate George Ballantyne
First World WarPrivate George Borthwick
First World WarPrivate George Brown
First World WarPrivate George Collier
First World WarPrivate George Dodds
First World WarPrivate George Douglas
First World WarPrivate George Douglas
First World WarPrivate George Murray
First World WarPrivate George Nixon
First World WarPrivate George Scott
First World WarPrivate George Screen
First World WarPrivate Gideon Lees
First World WarPrivate Gideon Pringle M.M.
First World WarPrivate Gideon White
First World WarPrivate Henry Macintyre
First World WarPrivate Henry Young
First World WarPrivate Hugh Lockie
First World WarPrivate Hugh Roden
First World WarPrivate Ian Munro
First World WarPrivate James Brunton
First World WarPrivate James Cassie
First World WarPrivate James Cowan
First World WarPrivate James Cunningham
First World WarPrivate James Currie
First World WarPrivate James Davidson M.M.
First World WarPrivate James Dickson
First World WarPrivate James Dodds
First World WarPrivate James Duffy
First World WarPrivate James Fairgrieve
First World WarPrivate James Grieve
First World WarPrivate James Hannay
First World WarPrivate James Hastie
First World WarPrivate James Hislop
First World WarPrivate James Hislop
First World WarPrivate James Hogg
First World WarPrivate James Jamieson
First World WarPrivate James McClory
First World WarPrivate James Millar
First World WarPrivate James Miller
First World WarPrivate James Milligan
First World WarPrivate James Murray
First World WarPrivate James Oliver
First World WarPrivate James Pearson
First World WarPrivate James Scott
First World WarPrivate James Thomson
First World WarPrivate James Tyson
First World WarPrivate James Wallis
First World WarPrivate James Watson
First World WarPrivate James Welsh
First World WarPrivate Jerry Elkins
First World WarPrivate John Anderson
First World WarPrivate John Anderson
First World WarPrivate John Anderson
First World WarPrivate John Ballantyne
First World WarPrivate John Bathgate
First World WarPrivate John Black
First World WarPrivate John Broomfield
First World WarPrivate John Buckham
First World WarPrivate John Buckham
First World WarPrivate John Coubrough
First World WarPrivate John Culbertson
First World WarPrivate John Currie
First World WarPrivate John Dickson
First World WarPrivate John Douglas
First World WarPrivate John Easton
First World WarPrivate John Ewart
First World WarPrivate John Grierson
First World WarPrivate John Irving
First World WarPrivate John Keddie
First World WarPrivate John Lauder
First World WarPrivate John Linton
First World WarPrivate John Millar
First World WarPrivate John Monks
First World WarPrivate John Robertson
First World WarPrivate John Rodger
First World WarPrivate John Scott
First World WarPrivate John Scott
First World WarPrivate John Scott
First World WarPrivate John Scott
First World WarPrivate John Shannon
First World WarPrivate John Smith
First World WarPrivate John Tait
First World WarPrivate John Thomson
First World WarPrivate John Tyson
First World WarPrivate John Watson
First World WarPrivate John Wilkie
First World WarPrivate John Wilson
First World WarPrivate John Wood
First World WarPrivate John Young
First World WarPrivate Joseph Dickson
First World WarPrivate Joseph Park
First World WarPrivate Joseph Scott
First World WarPrivate Joseph Walker
First World WarPrivate Leonard Yeomans
First World WarPrivate Martin Joyce
First World WarPrivate Michael Lees
First World WarPrivate Peter Lillico
First World WarPrivate Richard Cowe
First World WarPrivate Richard Pieroni
First World WarPrivate Robert Borthwick
First World WarPrivate Robert Brown
First World WarPrivate Robert Chisholm
First World WarPrivate Robert Davidson
First World WarPrivate Robert Davidson
First World WarPrivate Robert Davidson
First World WarPrivate Robert Fairbairn
First World WarPrivate Robert Fleming
First World WarPrivate Robert Hall
First World WarPrivate Robert Hogg
First World WarPrivate Robert Millar
First World WarPrivate Robert Nichol
First World WarPrivate Robert Notman
First World WarPrivate Robert Reid
First World WarPrivate Robert Scott
First World WarPrivate Robert Simpson
First World WarPrivate Robert Simpson
First World WarPrivate Robert Stevenson, M.M.
First World WarPrivate Robert Stewart
First World WarPrivate Robert Weir
First World WarPrivate Robert Wyse
First World WarPrivate Thomas Buckham
First World WarPrivate Thomas Connell
First World WarPrivate Thomas Douglas
First World WarPrivate Thomas Falconer
First World WarPrivate Thomas Gresson
First World WarPrivate Thomas Hogg
First World WarPrivate Thomas Hogg
First World WarPrivate Thomas Millar
First World WarPrivate Thomas Millar
First World WarPrivate Thomas Miller
First World WarPrivate Thomas Nisbet
First World WarPrivate Thomas Peden
First World WarPrivate Thomas Riddell
First World WarPrivate Thomas Russell
First World WarPrivate Thomas Thomson
First World WarPrivate Thomas Trotter
First World WarPrivate Thomas Whillans
First World WarPrivate Walter Dryden
First World WarPrivate Walter Grieve
First World WarPrivate Walter Rae
First World WarPrivate Walter Rutherford
First World WarPrivate Walter Scott
First World WarPrivate Walter Stewart
First World WarPrivate William Blyth
First World WarPrivate William Brown
First World WarPrivate William Dickson
First World WarPrivate William Dodds
First World WarPrivate William Douglas
First World WarPrivate William Douglas
First World WarPrivate William Emond
First World WarPrivate William Hall
First World WarPrivate William Hamilton
First World WarPrivate William Henderson
First World WarPrivate William Hill
First World WarPrivate William Lewis
First World WarPrivate William Macaulay
First World WarPrivate William McGregor
First World WarPrivate William Millar
First World WarPrivate William Mitchell
First World WarPrivate William Nisbet
First World WarPrivate William Preston
First World WarPrivate William Pringle
First World WarPrivate William Pringle
First World WarPrivate William Scott
First World WarPrivate William Scott
First World WarPrivate William Scott
First World WarPrivate William Tait
First World WarPrivate William Wallis
First World WarPrivate William Walls
First World WarRifleman Matthew Blyth
First World WarSapper David Ormiston
First World WarSecond Lieutenant Alexander Park
First World WarSecond Lieutenant Herbert Smith
First World WarSecond Lieutenant John Pringle-Pattison
First World WarSecond Lieutenant Robert Mitchell
First World WarSecond Lieutenant William Cunningham
First World WarSergeant Alexander Millar
First World WarSergeant Andrew Smith
First World WarSergeant David Bell, M.M. and Bar
First World WarSergeant George Douglas
First World WarSergeant George Turnbull
First World WarSergeant James Douglas
First World WarSergeant James Howe
First World WarSergeant John Cockburn
First World WarSergeant John Waite
First World WarSergeant Joseph McGuire
First World WarSergeant Robert Miller
First World WarSergeant Thomas Blaikie
First World WarSergeant Thomas Brown M.M.
First World WarSergeant Thomas Lees
First World WarSergeant Walter Waddell
First World WarSergeant William Johnstone
First World WarSignalman John Bolster
First World WarTrooper Bert Lidderdale
First World WarSecond World War
Able Seaman George Anderson
Second World WarAble Seaman John Rae
Second World WarBoy Telegraphist James Bell
Second World WarCaptain James Dundas
Second World WarChief Radio Officer William Armstrong
Second World WarCorporal James Johnstone
Second World WarCorporal James Riddell
Second World WarDeck Boy James Davidson
Second World WarDriver William Todd
Second World WarEngineer Officer Robert Beattie
Second World WarEngineer Officer Robert Brodie
Second World WarFlight Sergeant Walter Ward
Second World WarFlying Officer James Wright
Second World WarGalley Boy Leonard Pieroni
Second World WarGunner John Beattie
Second World WarGunner John Fowler
Second World WarGunner John Lockie
Second World WarGunner Robert Turnbull,
Second World WarLance Corporal Francis Imray
Second World WarLance Corporal Peter Grieve
Second World WarLance Corporal Walter Brownlee
Second World WarLeading Stoker Alexander Adamson
Second World WarLieutenant Alexander Murray
Second World WarLieutenant James Strang Steel
Second World WarOrdinary Seaman Robert Bennett
Second World WarPilot Officer Robert Stott, D.F.M.
Second World WarPrivate Alexander Geddes
Second World WarPrivate Charles MacDonald
Second World WarPrivate Frederick Reekie
Second World WarPrivate George Riddell
Second World WarPrivate John Tyson
Second World WarPrivate Robert Hislop
Second World WarPrivate Robert Laidlaw
Second World WarPrivate Thomas Smith
Second World WarSergeant Alexander McAllan
Second World WarSergeant John McShane
Second World WarSergeant Robert McCudden
Second World WarSergeant William Lees
Second World WarSergeant William Snowden
Second World WarSquadron Leader Harry Webster
Second World WarStaff Sergeant Thomas Laidlaw
Second World WarStoker 1st Class Arthur Riddell
Second World WarTrooper Robert Paterson
Second World WarBoer War
There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.
There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.