Private Bertram Tyson, 16th ( 2nd Glasgow ) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry. He was killed in Belgium, aged 21, on the 27th November 1917 during the Battle of third Ypres and is commemorated on the Tyne cot Memorial, Zonnebeke, Flanders, Belgium. He had been born in Selkirk in 1895 and was the son of Bertram and Joan Tyson of 26 Anderson Road and 16 South Port Selkirk. He had originally enlisted in the Kings Own Scottish Borderers but had been transferred to the H.L.I. The Battalion was often known as the Glasgow Boys Brigade Battalion. It was formed in Glasgow on 2nd September 1914 by the Lord Provost and City with many recruits coming from the Boys Brigade past and present. His brothers James and John also fell – see below. The photographs show some of the atrocious conditions of the Flanders battlefield where the incessant shelling had destroyed the fragile drainage systems.