Private George Lowden Borthwick, 1st Battalion. Royal Scots Fusiliers. He was killed in action in France ,aged 19, on the 24th March 1918 on the fourth day of the German Spring Offensives. He was born in Selkirk in 1899 and was the son of Peter and Mary Borthwick of 8 Hill Street, Selkirk and he is commemorated on the Arras Memorial, Arras, France. On that day the Battalion were engaged on the Henin-Neuville Vitasse Road in repelling the German attack on the Cojeul Valley and inflicting severe casualties on their attackers before having to retire the following day to conform with the withdrawal further South. The photographs show Allied troops preparing to resist the advancing Germans. ( His brother Robert Borthwick in the North Staffords was killed on the same day, see below ). A family tragedy.