Second Lieutenant Alexander Crabbe Park, 46th Battalion, Machine Gun Corps. He died from wounds in France, aged 26, on the 29th September 1918 during the ” Advance to Victory” He had been born in Selkirk in 1892 and was the son of the late Baillie William Park and Matilda Park of The Glebe, Glenesk, Selkirk. Before enlisting he had been a reporter with the ” Southern Reporter” and played the organ in Bowden Parish Church. He had originally enlisted in the 2nd/9th ( Territorial ) Battalion, Royal Scots but had transferred into the M.G.C with whom he had gone to France in July 1916. He was commissioned in July 1917 and served as the Battalion Intelligence Officer and Assistant Adjutant. He is buried in Brie British Cemetery, Somme, France. The photos show Allied troops during the final 100 days of the War.