Private George Tait Nixon, 13th ( Service ) Battalion, Royal Scots. He was killed in action in France, aged 20, on the 28th March 1918 during the German Spring Offensive ( Operation Michael ). He had been born in Galashiels and was the son of Thomas and Mary Nixon of 4 Goslaw Green, Selkirk and Lintburn Street, Galashiels. Before enlisting he had been employed as a chef in the Caledonian Hotel, Edinburgh. He is commemorated on the Arras Memorial, Arras, France. On the 28th March the Battalion were in positions astride the main Arras-Cambrai Road. The enemy heavily shelled their positions practically destroying ” A” and “B” Companies. After the shelling the German infantry advanced but were met by a fierce resistance from the survivors who then fell back to new positions neat Tilloy Wood. Counter attacks then stopped the Germans who also had suffered heavy losses. Casualties in the Battalion were 3 Officers and 6 Other Ranks killed with 140 Other Ranks wounded. In addition 230 Other Ranks were posted missing. The photos show troops in defensive positions.