West – Row 2 – 1 – Tait
(This stone is now flat on the ground) ISABELLA PATTERSON in loving memory of GEORGE WATSON TAIT her husband who died 17th Sept 1918 aged 64 years. Also WILLIAM their son who died 16th June 1880 aged 4 months.
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(This stone is now flat on the ground) ISABELLA PATTERSON in loving memory of GEORGE WATSON TAIT her husband who died 17th Sept 1918 aged 64 years. Also WILLIAM their son who died 16th June 1880 aged 4 months.
In affectionate remembrance THOMAS DAVIDSON who died at West Mains 16th August 1880 aged 62 years. “Till he come” Also of ELIZABETH his wife who died at Gosforth Newcastle on Tyne 8th November 1895 aged 80 years.
In memory of JEAN RENTON SOMERVAIL died 7th March 1919 aged 30 years. Wife of JOHN HENDERSON M.B.
(Headstone in poor condition) Erected in loving memory of JAMES YULE who died at Humebank 21st October 1889 aged 74 years. Also MARGARET his daughter who died at Coldstream 10th February 1879 aged 27 years. Interred in Cornhill. Also THOMAS his son who died at Hatchednize 9th Feb 1881 aged 36 years. Also of JANET MOOR wife of the above JAMES YULE who died at Carolside 25th Jan 1901 aged 82 years. Also JESSIE his daughter who died at Edinburgh Jan 1906 aged 54 years.
Erected by HENRY TAYLOR in loving memory of ELIZABETH HALLIDAY his wife who died 19th May 1919 aged 65 years
Also ALEXANDER their son who died 7th March 1897 aged 1 year.
Also MARGARET their daughter who died 20th November 1922 aged 40 years.
Also the above HENRY TAYLOR who died 16th February 1926 aged 78 years.
Also HENRY their son who died 13th May 1926. Aged 44 years.
Also FRANCIS HALLIDAY their son who died 21st July 1954 aged 72 years.
In affectionate remembrance of AGNES PLAYFAIR dearly beloved daughter of JOHN and ELIZABETH BECK who died 7th August 1935 aged 17 years “on the right hand side of cross” Also JOHN BECK who died 26th February 1945 aged 60 years. “On left hand side” Also ELIZABETH DICKSON PLAYFAIR died 26th June 1976 aged 90 years.
Erected by ROBERT PLAYFAIR of Lees Mill. In loving memory of his sons JOHN STEVENSON who died 11th April 1881 aged 10 months and DAVID who died 25 January 1889 aged 10 years. Also of MARGARET STEVENSON his wife who died 6th June 1894 aged 54 years. Also the above ROBERT T. PLAYFAIR who died 27th February 1914 aged 79 years.
In loving memory of THOMAS LUNN who died at Milne Graden Mains 7th July 1881 aged 32 years. Also CATHERINE TAIT his wife who died at Heaton Newcastle on Tyne 29th December 1918 aged 67 years.
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