Lance Corporal Alexander Chisholm, 8th ( Service ) Battalion, Black Watch. He died in France on 19th July 1915, aged 23. He was the son of Archibald Chisholm of 12 Union Street, Galashiels and is buried in Gorre British and Indian Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France. He had lived with his brother James at Hill Terrace, Stow before enlisting in October 1914. He was a well known cross country runner with Gala Harriers. Between 14th and 15th July the Battalion was in the front line east of La Plantin in the Givenchy sector and during this spell 4 men were killed and 2 wounded. The next two weeks were spent in the reserve line where more men were wounded. One of these men must have been Alexander Chisholm who died from his wounds.