Private Alexander Hendry, 2nd Battalion, Scots Guards. He was killed in France, aged 26, on 18th May 1915 and is commemorated on the Le Touret, Memorial, France. He was the son of William and Janet Hendry of Lurdenlaw Farm, and Redden, Sprouston where William was the farm steward. He was the husband of Isabella Hendry of Swintonhill, Berwickshire whome he had married in Sprouston in 1907. The Battalion had just taken part in the Battle of Festubert where casualties had been heavy as usual with 5 Officers and 47 Other Ranks killed and 3 Officers and 182 Other Ranks wounded. In addition 172 Other Ranks were posted missing. Captain Sir F. FitzWygram was wounded and taken prisoner. ( 40 men of “F” Company were cut off during the attack and died to a man surrounded by the bodies or their foes ). The illustrations depict British troops during the Battle.