The Hon.Alfred Henry Maitland, Major, 1st Battalion, Cameron Highlanders. He was killed in action in France on 14th September 1914 during the Battle of the Aisne leading an attack upon German positions on the Chemin des Dames near Cerny. He was aged 41. He was a Regular soldier and was the third son of Frederick Maitland, 13th Earl of Lauderdale of Thirlestane Castle, Lauder and is commemorated on the La Ferte-Sous-Jouare Memorial, France. He had been educated at Westminster School and at Trinity College, Cambridge before going on to join the army. He served with the Camerons in the Sudan and was present at the Battles of Atbara and Omdurman where the Dervish army was finally defeated. Further active service followed during the Second Anglo- Boer War including actions at Zand Rivers, Pretoria, Diamond Hill, Wittebergen and Ladybrand. He was awarded the Queens Medal with five clasps. He had joined the Camerons in 1894, where he was promoted to Lieutenant in 1898 and Captain in 1899. The Battalion was part of 1st Guards Brigade along with 1st Coldstream Guards, 1st Scots Guards and 1st Black Watch ). The photographs show British troops on the Aisne.