Private Peter Smith, 8th/10th ( Service ) Battalion, Gordon Highlanders. He died from wounds in Belgium, aged 34, on the 6th August 1917. He had been born in Stow and was the son of Peter and Marion Smith of Borthwickhall, Heriot. He is buried in Brandhoek New Military Cemetery, Flanders, Belgium. He had been employed as a gamekeeper by Mr Strang Steel of Philliphaugh, Selkirk before enlisting and landing in France in May 1915. He was acting as a medical orderly when he was fatally wounded and died in the 32nd Casualty Clearing Station, Brandhoek. At that time the Battle of Third Ypres was in full swing and the Battalion was in action near Frezenberg and suffered heavy casualties with 2 Officers and 36 Other Ranks killed with 14 Officers and 227 Other Ranks wounded. In addition 59 Other Ranks were posted missing. The photos show troops in the early stages of the Battle.