Private John Cameron. 7th/8th ( Service) Battalion, Kings Own Scottish Borderers. He died from wounds in France, aged 20, on the 31st August 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. He had been born in Galashiels and was the son of Duncan and Jane Cameron of 12 Stanley Street, Galashiels. He had been living in Carlisle when he enlisted in the Lanarkshire Yeomanry but was posted to the K.O.S.B. in France. He is buried in Heilly Station, Cemetery, Mericourt-L’.Abbe, Somme, France. The photos show Scots troops on the Somme. He may have been wounded on the 16th August when the Battalion suffered heavy casualties in an artillery bombardment and a German counter attack. Other Rank casualties in this battle for “Intermediate Trench” were 35 killed or died from wounds and 159 wounded.