Deck Hand James Windram

Deck Hand James Windram, Royal Naval Reserve. He was lost at sea aboard H.M.M.S. “Blackmorevale” on 1st May 1918 aged 34. He had been born in Eyemouth and was the son of Margaret and the late John Windram of 8 Chapel Street and the husband of Agnes Lough Windram of 17 George Street, Eyemouth and is commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial.  He had enlisted in April 1915 and initially served aboard the hired drifter ” Mary Maltman” before transferring to the ” Blackmorevale” in April 1918. “Blackmorevale” was an early Hunt Class minsweeper  of 750 tons with Captain Geoffrey Luscome in command. The ship was sweeping for mines in the Firth of Forth when she detonated a mine beneath her. She was taken in tow by H.M.M.S “Holderness” but filled rapidly with water and could not be saved. 25 of her crew were killed in the explosion including the Captain. ( The photograph was taken from a nearby vessel just after the mine explosion)

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