Private Robert Robson White, 1st/4th ( Border ) Battalion, Kings Own Scottish Borderers. He was killed in action in Palestine on 19th April 1917 in the attack on the strong Turkish positions on “Outpost Hill” during the Second Battle of Gaza and is commemorated on the Jerusalem War Memorial. With great gallantry the assault, led by Major Forrest of Kelso, the Turkish redoubt on the hill top was captured but heavy casualties and a shortage of ammunition forced a retirement in the face of fierce Turkish counter attacks. This action cost the Battalion 6 Officers killed and 9 wounded ( including Captain Elder of Coldstream ) with 43 Other Ranks killed and 155 wounded. His wife and child lived at Jesamine Cottage, Earlston and before the war he had been employed as a farm servant. The photographs show the Borderers in Palestine in 1917.