Second Lieutenant George Baillie, 21st ( 2nd Tyneside Scottish ) Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. He was killed in action in France during the Battle of Arras on 5th June 1917, aged 25. He was the son of James and the late Jessie Baillie of 47 Newton Street, Duns and is commemorated on the Arras Memorial, Arras, France. He fell in the fighting near Greenland Hill where ” Cuthbert ” and ” Charlie ” trenches were bitterly contested as the Germans repeatedly but without success tried to recapture their lost trenches. He had formerly been a Lance Corporal in the Scots Guards and had been commissioned into the 21st on 16th April 1917. He was educated at the Berwickshire High School, Duns and is also commemorated on the Memorial Tablet in the new Berwickshire High School, Duns. The photos show troops during the Battle..