Private George Watson Geddes, 1st Battalion, Kings Own Scottish Borderers. He was killed in action in France, aged 23, on 11th April 1918 during the German Spring Offensive on the River Lys.. He had been born in Cockburnspath and was the son of George and Catherine Geddes of Ramscleugh Cottage, Castle Dykes, Cockburnspath and is commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Flanders, Belgium. He had been working as a clerk in the British Linen Bank, Kirkudbright when he enlisted in the 1st/9th Royal Scots. He went to France in September 1916 but was posted to the K.O.S.B. At that time the Battalion were at Doulieu on the Lys River and faced an attack by overwhelming German forces who broke through on the flanks and forced a general retreat to avoid being cut off. Casualties were very heavy and at nightfall the Borderers were reduced to about 150 Officers and men. His brother William who had been with the Tyneside Scottish had been killed in action on 11th September 1917. The photos show Allied troops preparing to resist the German advances.