West Row 16 – 3 Cameron/Davidson/
Erected by ALEXR CAMERON Coldstream In memory of GEORGE DAVIDSON his son who died 28th August 1894 aged 29 years.
Also the above ALEXR CAMERON who died 14th February 1897 aged 65 years.
Also JANE DAVIDSON his wife who died 23rd November 1920 aged 81 years.
Also JAMES HAYNES his son who died 13th December 1920 aged 49 years.
Alexander Cameron was born at Brechin and he lived in Coldstream in 2 High Street. He was a Tailor and Clothier, employing 4 boys and 1 girl. He had 9 children – V. Fecund (what does this mean Will?) , Alexander (Apprentice Tailor), George (Apprentice Seedsman), Maggie, James, Rachel, Agnes, Jessie, Andrew and Mary.