Ford Section – C – 455 – Hope
Erected by ALEXANDER & MARGARET HOPE in memory of their son JAMES HOPE who died at
Pallinsburn Eastfield December 28 1849 {1848} aged 19 months.
Also ALICE HOPE their daughter who died at South Biddick Lamberton {Lambton} September 151839 {1858}
aged 9 months.
Also MARGARET HOPE the beloved wife of ALEXANDER HOPE of South Biddick
Lamberton {Lambton} who died at Bamburgh {in Edinburgh} August 29 1859 aged 38
'Meek & gentle was her spirit : Prudence did her life adorn :
Ever will I price her merit: While her Joss I daily mourn'.
Also of ELIZABETH daughter of ALEXANDER HOPE who departed this life at Felton 5 June 1871 aged 20 years. '
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God'.