Eglingham Churchyard Section-B-Row-9-7-Jaffrey
Erected in memory of JOHN JAFFREY of Quarry House who died August 26 1828 aged 54 years, JOHN JAFFREY son of the above who died February 15th 1822, aged 9 weeks. JANE JAFFREY daughter of the above who died May 19th 1841, aged 18 years. ROBERT JAFFREY son of the above who died Feby 14th 1861, aged 44 years, ANN, daughter of the above who died at Kirkharle Octr 9th 1865 aged 62 years. ANN wife of above died April 8th 1866 aged 82 years. ELIZABETH daughter of above died Novr 29th 1879 aged 68. ELIZABETH JAFFERY granddaughter of the above who died Feby 21ST 1901 aged 53 years.
[Use of italics is the same as on headstone.]