Eglingham Churchyard Section-A-Row-6-1-Carr
In Memory of JOHN CARR of West Ditchburn Born Septr 6th 1757, died April 8th 1836. buried in the Chancel of Lesbury Church. ANN his wife, born Feby 28th 1778, died March 19th 1856. JOHN FRANCIS their eldest son, born Feby 4th 1803 died Decr 21st 1859. MICHAEL, their fourth son, born April 16th 1810 died Nov 7th 1853. Also of MARIA, born Novr 23rd 1821 died Octr 31st 1887. ANN born June 18th 1804, died March 22nd 1889. ELIZABETH, born August 24th 1812, died August 3rd 1894, daughters of the above JOHN & ANN CARR.
[Italics for fourth line correct]
Erected by their three daughters. [Inscription at bottom of headstone]
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” [Inscription on front of plinth]