Main – Section A – Row 7 – 9 – Douglas/Menzies
Erected in loving memory of JAMES DOUGLAS, late of Cornhill, who died at Coldstream, 28th Feby. 1905 in his 89th year. Also WILLIAM DUNCAN, his son who died at Cornhill, 23rd Octr. 1863, aged 1 year. Also GEORGE JAMES his son who died at Cornhill, 1st May 1876, aged 5 years and 9 months. Also JESSIE MENZIES his wife who died 9th April 1909 aged 78 years. Also MARGARET their daughter who died at Blackburn, 5th Nov. 1922. Also WILLIAM DUNCAN their son who died at London 3rd Nov. 1930. Also JESSIE ELPHEMIA their eldest daughter who died at Dunster, Wooler, 29th May 1943 and GRACE their daughter who died at Dunster, Wooler, 6th Feb. 1949.
James was a railway porter at Cornhill station. His wife jessie was born in Fortingal, Perthshire Scotland and also living in the house was an adopted daughter Margaret Douglas Hood. James father William was born in Ireland but he worked as a Coachman from Newcastle to Cornhill. His wife was Euphemia Elliot.