Our kindred body, Coldstream's Heritage Ltd (CHL), has some spare cash from the Lennel kirk project and is envisaging a visitor information board at the Braeheads overlooking the river Tweed, a very popular stopping-off point for visitors. As well as highlighting visitor facilities in Coldstream, the board will also inform visitors of history and the built and cultural heritage e.g. Flodden, Lennel Kirk, Guards' Museum, Tweed Bridge, Jacob's Well, Irregular Marriages, Earl of Home and Hirsel Estate and the river Tweed valley (SSSI). It looks like some funding will come from the Flodden 1513 Club and business sponsorship to pay for the board. Osprey Ltd, graphic designers, are currently designing a board which will include: town map and where services and facilities are located, local attractions, places to eat and drink, history of the area and major events in this old 'Burgh'.
It should very much help visitors. It should also help visitor footfall and the local economy. CHL is currently passing through the processes of securing permissions.
Coldstream volunteers at their very best; trying to help the 'First True Border Toun'.