Eglingham Churchyard Section-A-Row-5-5-Hall/Ogle


In Memory of THOMAS HALL of Old Bewick who died Jany. 19th 1873, aged 77 years. Also of ANN, his wife who died Feby 23rd 1879, aged 73 years. THOMAS, son of the above, who died Novr 8th 1866, aged 35 years; and is interred in Westgate Cemetery Newcastle. JOHN, son of the above, who died March 15th 1875, aged 34 years. JOSEPH, son of the above who died Decr 31st 1880, aged 47 years; interred at Elswick Cemetery Newcastle. ROBERT EDMINSON HALL son of the above, who died 28th February 1893, aged 50 years. MARY JANE widow of ROBERT EDMINSON HALL, who died Septr. 1st 1894, aged 55 years. ANN wife of JOHN OGLE daughter of the above, died Novr. 30, 1909, aged 63 years.

‘Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your lord doth come’.


D. Mc Millan  Sc.  Alnwick.


In Loving Memory of ALICE PALMER daughter of THOMAS & ANN HALL who died May 9. 1889 aged 56 years.

[Inscription on back of headstone]

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