Sergeant Robert Renton DCM, 2nd Battalion ,Seaforth Highlanders. He was killed in France on 7th August 1915, aged 24. He was the son of Peter and Margaret Renton of New Biggin, Norham, and is buried in Sucerie Military Cemetery ,France. The Distinguished Conduct Medal is considered just one step below the Victoria Cross. The Regimental Chaplain, the Reverend James Kirk, conducted the burial service and wrote home to his mother. ” He was a fine fellow, one of the noble upright soldiers that you admire with all your heart “. The Reverend Kirk came from Dunbar and had passed through Coldstream the previous week on his return from leave. On 7th August the Battalion were in trenches opposite Serre near Beumont Hamel which then was a quiet sector. That day saw some shelling with only one casualty, Sergeant Renton. He is mentioned by name in the Battalion War Diary for that day which in itself is unusual as it was normally only Officers who were named.