Middle internal on the east side Nesbit.
Sacred to the memory of JANE ANDRESON NESBIT who died Feb 15th 1863
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There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.
There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.
Sacred to the memory of JANE ANDRESON NESBIT who died Feb 15th 1863
Flattened headstone which needs lifting. Right at corner of north and east external walls.
(Inside east curtilage of kirk) Erected by a number of the friends of LEWIS MCDONALD Surgeon in Coldstream died 13 March 1852 aged 66 years.
Testimony of their respect to his memory and the faithful and efficient manner in which he discharged his duties of his profession for many years in this locality.
Also in memory of ALICE BELL spouse of the said LEWIS MCDONALD who died on 14 May 1850 aged 63 years.
(Inside east end curtilage of kirk beside Lewis McDonald Surgeon) – Sacred to the memory of JANE ANDERSON NISBET who died February 15th 1863.
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