Sacred to the Memory of MARGARET ALLISON CARR, the daughter of JAMES and FRANCES CARR of Cornhill, who departed (this life)? The 3rd of Dec? ......................................1817.
.......................................... aged .......... ? ......... years
.... Also FRANCES CARR, mother of ................................................... April .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... years. JAMES CARR who died at Cornhill January 30th 1865 aged 72 years. (Headstone not easy to read)
In Memory of EDWARD LAIDLER who died at Cornhill, 20th April 1856, aged 44 years. Also THOMAS FREDERICK, son of the above who died 13th January 1877 aged 26 years.
(Headstone almost impossible to read these days) In affectionate remembrance of MARY JOHNSTON, wife of THOMAS JOHNSTON, who died June ..?.. 1875 ageed 51 years. Also ISABELLA JOHNSTON, who died ................................... 1866 aged 86 years. Also CAROLINE? ...............................................................................................
.................................................................... aged 14 months. Also the above THOMAS JOHNSTON who died at Sunilaw, Nov 1? th 1879 aged 59 years.
Erected In Memory of JACOB HOPKINS, who died at Cornhill, 3rd June 1825 aged 28 years. A faithful servant and honest man
Here lies the body of WILLIAM JOHNSTON, Manservant of the late LORD COLLINGWOOD of Lilburn Tower who died at Cornhill ...... April 18 .... aged 73 years.
Erected by ROBERT LILLICO, London, In Memory of JAMES LILLICO, who died at Learmouth, 19th Oct. 1826 aged 39 years. Also ANN WETHERBURN, his wife, who died at Ewart, 17th Sept. 1846. Also JAMES LILLICO, their son. ANNE SHIELL, wife of RICHARD LILLICO, born 26th Nov. 1826, died 6th Sept. 1910. Also RICHARD LILLICO, son of the above JAMES LILLICO, born 21st Mar. 1823, died 27th May 1917.
Erected in affectionate remembrance of ANN, wife of NICHOL ELLIOT, Baker, Cornhill, who died 4th March 1872 aged 71 years. Also NICHOL ELLIOT, their son, who died in infancy in 1834. Also the above NICHOL ELLIOT who died 20th Nov. 1880 aged 72 years. Also JOHN ELLIOT, son of the above, who died 23rd Sept. 1897 aged 66 years. Also ISABELLA PALMER, his step-daughter, who died 26th June 1901 aged 76 years. Also ROBERT ELLIOT, brother of the above NICHOL ELLIOT, who died 26th May 1897 aged 97 years.
Sacred to the Memory of ELIZABETH, wife of ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, tenant in Redsford, who died May 25th 1833 aged 44 years. Also JANE, daughter of the above who died May 7th 1839 aged 23 years and WILLIAM his son, died 6th Aug. 1844 aged 22 years. Also of the said ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND who died at East Melkington, Jan. 7th 1862 aged 81 years.
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