Private Hugh Ferguson, 1st/4th (Border) Battalion, Kings Own Scottish Borderers. He died on 26th April 1917, aged 21, from wounds received in action in the attack on “Outpost Hill” during the Second Battle of Gaza and is buried in Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt. He had been born in Yetholm and was the son of Michael and Jane Ferguson of Graden farm, Yetholm. Before enlisting he had been employed as a ploughman at Graden farm. His Battalion were in support of their fellows in 1st/5th K.O.S.B. who had led the attack on the strong Turkish positions. The Battalion, gallantly led by Major Wattie Forrest of Kelso captured the Turkish redoubt on the hill but running short of reinforcements and ammunition and in the face of fierce Turkish counter attacks were forced to withdraw to British lines. ( Major Forrest was killed on the parapet of the redoubt whilst encouraging his men ). The attack cost the Battalion 6 Officers and 44 Other Ranks killed and 9 Officers and 152 Other Ranks wounded. The photographs show the Borderers in Palestine in 1917. The three men pictured are Alec Lawrie, Willie Cockburn and Jim Murray all of whom played football for Coldstream F.C.