Private James Noble

Private James Noble, 1st Battalion, Kings Own Scottish Borderers. He was killed in action at Gallipoli on 26th April 1915, aged 28. He was the son of Mr and Mrs J. Noble of Longhirst and is commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey. He was a Regular soldier and the Battalion as part of the 29th Division landed at ” Y ” Beach on 25th April in an attempt to prevent Turkish reinforcements moving against the main Allied landings at Cape Helles. After fierce Turkish resistance and a gallant defence by the Borderers the Battalion was re embarked and moved South to Helles. The 11 inch guns of the pre dreadnought Battleship H.M.S. Goliath ( pictured below ) anchored offshore greatly helped to break up the Turkish attacks.   These few days intense fighting cost the Battalion 296 Officers and Other Ranks in killed and wounded. The photograph shows ” Y ” Beach looking South to Cape Helles.

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