Private John Coltherd, Cameron Highlanders. There is no such entry in the C.W.G.C. site. There is however a Private Joseph Coltherd, 7th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders who had enlisted in Lauder. He had been born in Innerwick, Eaast Lothian and was the son of the late John and Janet Coltherd of Aikengall, Oldhamstocks. He was killed in France in action on 25th September 1915 on the first day of the Battle of Loos. He was aged 23 and is commemorated on the Loos Memorial, Loos, France. The first Photograph shows an actual assault with the troops disappearing into the ghostly clouds of gas and smoke. This was the first time in the War that the British Army had used gas. The second photo shows the village of Loos after capture. The artist’s illustration depicts a Battalion attack at Loos led by their pipers.