Private Andrew Guthrie, 1st Battalion, Kings Own Scottish Borderers. He was killed in action in Belgium on 16th August 1917, aged 24, during the Battle of Langemarck (part of the wider Battle of Third Ypres) and is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial,Zonnebeke, Belgium. He had been born in Selkirk and was the son of James and Mary Ann Murray Guthrie of Trabroun, Lauder. Before enlisting he had worked as a shepherd on Trabroun farm, Lauder. On this day two members of the Battalion won the Victoria Cross, Company Sergeant Major J. Skinner and Company Quartermaster Sergeant W. Grimbaldeston. During this successful attack 1 Officer and 25 Other Ranks were killed with 5 Officers and 71 Other Ranks wounded.