Private John Dodds Shiell, 9th ( Service ) Battalion, Gordon Highlanders. He died in France, aged 27, in the 2nd Australian General Hospital at Wimereux on 31st March 1918 from wounds received during the German Spring Offensive. He is buried in Wimereux Communal Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France. He was the second son of William and the late Margaret Shiell of Blackburn, Grantshouse, Berwickshire and had been born at Butterdean, Grantshouse. ( He is also commemorated on the Fogo War Memorial. 9th Gordons were part of the 44th Brigade and were the pioneer Battalion of the 15th( Scottish) Division. He had been educated at Milfield and Cranshaws schools. Before enlisting in November 1914 he had been employed as a farm servant with Mr Calder of Bogend, Duns. He went to France in July 1915 and took part in the Battle of Loos. During the Battle of the Somme he had been slightly wounded by shellfire on 21st October 1916. The photographs show Allied troops in defensive positions during the attacks.