Lance Corporal Thomas Quin, 1st/4th ( Territorial ) Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. He died of Pneumonia in Hornsea Hospital on 23rd November 1918, aged 20. He was the son of Thomas and Annie Quin of Church Road, Norham and is buried in Norham Churchyard. His mother was at his bedside when he died. He had enlisted at age 16 in 1914 but had been discharged after suffering from shell shock when his true age had been discovered. Upon attaining age 18 he had enlisted again. ( The true family name is Quin but he served as Quinn ). The photograph shows the impressive Memorial raised to commemorate the 50th ( Northumbrian ) Division of which the Battalion was part until July 1918 when it was reduced to cadre and assigned to lines of communication duties. It was erected near the village of Weiltje inn the Ypres Salient where nearby on the 26th April 1915 the Division had fought its first action of the War only days after landing on the Conrinent.