Main – Section B – Row 1 – 9 – Marshall
In Loving Memory of GEORGINA, youngest daughter of JOHN & JANE MARSHALL, Milfield who fell asleep in Jesus, 17th October 1906 aged 28 years. The above JOHN MARSHALL who died at Milfield, 22nd Feb. 1912 aged 72 years. The above JANE MARSHALL who died at Milfield, 6th Jan. 1918 aged 76 years. Also of JANE, daughter of the above who died at Milfield, 28 Jan. 1959 aged 83 years.
Isabella Swan she married James Marshall they had 6 children all the boys were Blacksmiths
1851 census
James Marshall 51
Isabella Marshall 50
William Marshall 28
Jane Marshall 24
Thomas Marshall 22
Ellen Marshall 13
John Marshall 11
Andrew Marshall 9