Private George Tice, 2nd Battalion Royal Scots. He was killed in action in Belgium, aged 29, on 26th September 1917 during the third Battle of Ypres (Passchendale) and is buried in Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, Flanders, Belgium. He had been born in Yetholm and was the son of George and Elizabeth Tice of Yetholm. He fell in the attack on the Ypres-Roulers Railway near Hill 40. However early success could not be maintained in the face of fierce German counter attacks and the survivors had to return to their jump -off trenches. Casualties were heavy with 4 Officers and 111 Other Ranks killed with 6 Officers and 278 Other Ranks wounded. The photographs give an idea of the desolation of the Flanders battlefield where the incessant shelling had destroyed the fragile drainage systems.