Lieutenant Geoffrey Lambton, 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards. He was killed in action in France on 1st September 1914, aged 26. He was a Regular Soldier and the son of the Hon. F.W. Lambton of Fenton, Wooler who was well known in racing circles with 40 horses in training. He was the husband of Dorothy ( nee Leyland ) and is buried in Guards Grave, Villers Cotteret Forest, Aisne ,France. He fell in action during the retreat to the River Marne where his Battalion along with the Irish and Grenadier Guards were covering the retreat of the 2nd Division. The cemetery was formed later when the position was retaken. Casualties in the 4th Guards Brigade were heavy with over 300 Officers and men lost. In this action and in conjunction previously at Landrecies, Lance Corporal G.H.Wyatt of the 3rd Battalion became the first Coldstreamer to win the Victoria Cross in the Great War. ( The Official History of the Coldstream Guards notes that Lt. Lambton was a member of the 3rd Battalion and not the 2nd ). Lt. Lambton has a stained glass window dedicated to him in the Bournmoor St. Barnabas church. The window is inscribed ” To the glory of God and in loving memory of Geoffrey Lambton Lieut. Coldstream Guards, born Sept 13 1887, Killed in Action Sep 1 1914 near Villers Cotterets in France. Le Jour Viendra. ( The Day will Come is the motto of the Lambton family ). He is also remembered in Ancroft. Haggerston and on a stained glass window in Doddington Church. His Headstone is inscribed ” Le Jour Viendra”.