Private Robert Donaldson, 16th ( Service ) Battalion, Royal Scots. He was killed in action in Flanders on 16th April 1918 during the German Spring Offensive on the River Lys aged 28. He had been born in Westruther and was the son of Alexander and Isabella Donaldson of Spottiswood, Werstruther and the brother of William above who also fell. He is commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Flanders, Belgium. He had originally enlisted in the Lothian and Border Horse at Haddington in September 1914 but had been transferred into the Royal Scots. after the “Horse” had been dismounted in July 1917. The Battalion was known as ” McRae’s Battalion ” after its founder Sir George McRae. It originally recruited from the professional footballers from Heart of Midlothian, Hibernian , Falkirk, Raith Rovers and Dunfermline together with many of these Club’s fans. By 1918 there were few of the Originals left. The photos show Allied troops in defensive positions.