Lieutenant Thomas Wilson, M.C., Royal Engineers. He died in East Africa, aged 37, on the 29th June 1917 and is buried in Dar Es Salaam War Cemetery, Tanzania. He had been born in Roberton and was the son of Thomas Wilson of Kildowan, Hawick. ( He had been the schoolmaster in Roberton ). Before the War he had been employed as a civil engineer in the Straits Settlements, Malaya. On the outbreak of War he returned home and being used to the tropical climate was chosen for Service in East Africa. He was attached to the King’s African Rifles and was in charge of the machine gun section. In one engagement against German forces he did valuable work which led to him being awarded the Military Cross. Before going to Malaya he was a noted player for Hawick R.F.C. also playing for a Glasgow side when he had resided in the City. His Medal was presented to his Father by the King on his visit to Glasgow on the 18th September 1917.