Private Peter Campbell, 7th ( Service ) Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders. He was killed in action in Belgium on 12th October 1917 during the Third Battle of Ypres, aged 36. He was the son of Peter and Elizabeth Campbell of Golspie, Sutherland and the husband of Jane Campbell of 46 Woodmarket, Kelso. He is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Zonnebeke, Flanders, Belgium. The Battalion was a Unit in the 9th (Scottish) Division. The photographs give an idea of the ground conditions the troops were expected to fight in. The incessant shellfire had destroyed the Flanders drainage systems. The third photo shows a group of Seaforths checking a dugout in a captured German trench. The colour photograph shows the impressive Memorial raised to commemorate the men of the 9th and 15th ( Scottish ) Divisions who fell during the Battle. The 7th Seaforths were part of the 26th Brigade in the 9th Division. It was erected on the Frezenberg Ridge near the village of Zonnebeke in the Ypres Salient and was unveiled in August 2007. A plaque in both Gaelic and English is affixed to the front of the Memorial and contains a quote from the Declaration of Arbroath.