Private George Denholm Robertson, 7th ( Service ) Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders. He was killed in action in France on 25th September 1915 on the first day of the Battle of Loos, aged 26. He was the son of Andrew and Mary Robertson of 52 Roxburgh Street, Kelso and is commemorated on the Loos Memorial, Dud Corner, Loos, France. He fell in the successful attack on the German positions in the southern part Hoenzollern Redoubt capturing the position called Three Cabarets. Here they halted and consolidated their gains. This action cost the Battalion 378 casualties. The first photo shows an actual assault with the troops disappearing into the clouds of gas and smoke. This was the first time the British Army had used gas in the War. The second shows the village of Loos after capture. and the third shows shells bursting on the Redoubt. The artists illustration shows a Battalion at Loos led by their pipers.