Lieutenant Mark Kincaid MacKenzie, 4th Kings Royal Rifle Corps att. 3rd Battalion, Rifle Brigade. He was killed in action in France, aged 26, on 25 September 1914 during the Battle of the Aisne and is buried in Montcornet Military Cemetery, Aisne, France. He had been born in St Andrews and was the son of Lord Charles MacKenzie, L.L.B. and Lady Lilias of Fauchope House, Gattonside, Melrose. He had been educated at Winchester College and Magdalen College, Oxford before becoming a Regular Soldier in the K.R.R.C. In March 1914 he had been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and had been at home on leave when War broke out. As his Battalion was stationed in India at the time he had been attached to the Rifle Brigade and went to France with them in September 1914. The photographs show British troops on the Aisne.