Corporal Archibald Paterson Housler, 1st (Ontario Regiment) Battalion, Canadian Infantry. He was killed in action in France, aged 31, on the 15th June 1915. He had been born in Galashiels and was the son of Alexander and Catherine Housler of 134 Magdala Terrace, Galashiels and is commemorated on the Vimy Memorial, Vimy, France. He had been an apprentice bootmaker in Galashiels and for ten years he had served as a Member of the 4th Territorial K.O.S.B. He emigrated to Canada in 1906 where he worked as a mechanic in Ontario. He volunteered for overseas service and left Canada with the 1st Battalion. He landed in France in February 1915 with his Battalion but was killed near Givenchy four months later.