Sergeant James Hood Aitchison, 1st/8th (Territorial) Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders,. He died from wounds in France, aged 26, on the 26th July 1918 and is buried in Verberie National Cemetery, Oise, France. He had been born in Dirleton, East Lothian and was the son of George and Mary Aitchison of Berryhill Farm, Galashiels and husband of Helen Aitchison of 277 Harvard Avenue, Fort Rouge, Winnipeg, Canada. whom he had married in Galashiels in 1916. He had been employed as a linotype operator with the ” Southern Reporter” in Galashiels when he enlisted in September 1914. He originally served with the 11th Battalion but was wounded in 1915. He then served in the 14th Battalion before being posted to the 1st/8th Argylls. The battalion was part of the 15th ( Scottish) Division which was attached to the French army in July 1918. He died from wounds in the 5/1st Sp. of the 151st French Ambulance.