Private George Clark

Private George Bell Clark, 1st Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles. He was killed in action in Belgium, aged 28, on the 5th June 1916 during the Battle of Mont Sorrel. He had been born in Dumfries and was the son of Adam and Margaret Clark of 29 St. John Street, Galashiels. He had emigrated to Canada and was farming in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan when he enlisted in December 1914. He joined his Battalion in France in February 1916. He is commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Flanders, Belgium. The Battle was fought between 2nd and 13th June 1916 and the Battalion suffered heavy casualties in the opening stages of the German attacks with 557 troops out of 692 killed wounded or captured when their positions were overrun. Eventually after attack followed counter attack most of the lost positions were recaptured but the Canadian Corps suffered over 8,000 casualties. The photo was taken during the fighting.

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