Lance Corporal Thomas Brown

Lance Corporal Thomas Brown, 2nd Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. He was killed in action in France, aged 20, on the 25th September 1915 on the first day of the Battle of Loos. He had been born in Ednam, Roxburgshire and was the son of Thomas and Margaret Brown of 128 Galapark Road, Galashiels. He is commemorated on the Loos Memorial, Dud Corner, Loos, France. This was the first time the Army had used gas but this often hampered rather than helped the assaulting Battalions. He fell in the attack at the “Brickstacks” which was a mass of German strongpoints. The attackers reached the German lines but could progress no further due to the mass on uncut barbed wire. Casualties were heavy and included 15 Officers and 315 Other Ranks. The first photo shows Highlanders marching up to the line before the Battle and the second shows an actual assault with the troops advancing though gas and smoke.

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