Corporal John Young Brownlee, 12th ( Service) Battalion, Royal Scots. He was killed in action in Belgium, aged 30, on the 15th October 1918 during the “Advance to Victory”. He had been born in Galashiels and was the son of James and Elizabeth Brownlee of Galashiels and the husband of Mary Brownlee of 64 Stirling Street, Galashiels. He had originally enlisted in the Lothian and Border Horse in August 1914 but in May 1918 he was transferred to the Royal Scots in France. He fell in the attack on the German positions on the Courtrai- Lendelede Railway and Hill 40. The positions were taken and the advance continued. The photos show Allied troops advancing during the final 100 days of the War. He is buried in Dadizeele New British Cemetery, Flanders, belgium.