Brigadier General Lord Binning

Brigadier General Lord Binning, George Baillie Hamilton C.B., M.V.O. , Seconded from the Royal Horse Guards to Lothian and Borders Horse. He died at Home during a visit to Tyninghame on 12th January 1917, aged 60. He was the son of 11th Earl of Haddington of Tyninghame, East Lothian and is buried at Tyninghame Burial Ground. He had fought in the Egyptian campaign at Tel-El-Kebir in 1882, the Sudan Expedition of 1884 and took part in the Hazara campaign of 1888. He had commanded the Royal Horse Guards from 1899 to 1903 and had then commanded Lothian and Border Horse ( part of the Territorial Force ) from 1905.  In 1915 he was given command of the 41st Brigade in the 14th Light Division in Belgium but returned home in April 1916 to command the 11th Mounted Brigade.  In a letter to ” The Times ” an old comrade described him as” a bold and admirable horseman, a fine polo player, a cricketer, a clever musician and composer and the most charming of companions “.

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