Sergeant John Wilson, “E” Coy. 1st/4th ( Border ) Battalion Kings Own Scottish Borderers. He died on 15th July 1915 of wounds received in Gallipoli on 12th July during the ” Charge ” on the Turkish trenches at Achi Baba Nullah and is commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Helles, Gallipoli, Turkey. He had been born in Coldstream, lived in Coldstream and had enlisted in the Town. ( He is also commemorated on the Coldstream War Memorial ). He had already served in the Boer War with the Scottish Horse and before re-enlisting he had been a very popular postman in Cornhill working on the Ford route. A memorial service taken by Canon Holland was held in the church and every seat was occupied. He was a very keen gardener and had won many a cup for his sweet peas and he was a splendid batsman for the cricket club. The first photo shows Achi Baba marked with a cross. This “hill” dominated the battlefield and was never captured. The second shows the Borderers attacking at Gallipoli and the third shows the battlefield in 1922.