Private James Landreth, 1st/9th ( Highland) Battalion, Royal Scots ( The Dandy Ninth ). He was killed in action in Belgium on the 20th September 1917, aged 30, during the Battle of the Menin Road which was part of the wider Third Battle of Ypres. He had been born in Cornhill-on-Tweed and was the son of John and Jane Landreth of High Street , Coldstream and is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium. He worked with his father as a grocer and was a fine athlete and a member of Coldstream Football Club. He fell in action at the Stroombeek where the Battalion achieved all its Objectives namely “Pheasant” Trench, “Flora Cot” and “Hubner Farm” all of which were heavily defended by German strong points including Pill Boxes. Even a successful attack usually resulted in heavy casualties. 3 officers and 31 Other Ranks were killed and 2 Officers and 163 Other Ranks were wounded with 27 missing. The Rev. Mr Jardine who was chaplain to a Battalion of the Argylls and fomerly Minister of Coldstream West U.F. Church wrote to John Landreth. “I am very sorry indeed to have to send you the worst of news. There was a great battle on the 20th September which his Battalion was engaged and was reported missing. It was reported he was wounded and I watched all day but he never came through. Word has just come in that his body had been found and buried in new British cemetery a few miles from Ypres”. By Autumn the incessant shelling had destroyed the fragile Flanders drainage systems and the troops had to contend with the atrocious battlefield conditions as pictured below. The colour photo shows the impressive Memorial raised to commemorate the 51st ( Highland ) Division of which the Battalion was part. It was erected in Newfoundland Park on the Somme overlooking ” Y” Ravine which was taken when the Division stormed and captured the strong German positions in Beaumont Hamel on 13th November 1916. On the Memorial is inscribed in Gaelic ” Friends are good on the day of Battle “.