Private Harold Hadnum, 1st Battalion, Kings Own Scottish Borderers. He was killed in action in France on 1st July 1916 on the first day of the Battle of the Somme and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Thiepval, Somme, France. He had been born in Newcastle. He fell in that part of the Offensive towards “Y” Ravine ( pictured below) in what is now Newfoundland Park. The Battalion was in the second wave behind the 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles. Both Battalions suffered heavy losses against uncut wire and strong German positions and no ground was won. On that fateful day the Battalion lost 11 Officers and 83 Other Ranks were killed and 8 Officers and 406 Other Ranks were wounded. In addition 59 Other Ranks were posted missing. In Great War speak missing usually meant killed. The position was finally captured by the 51st ( Highland ) Division on the 13th November. The photo shows troops attacking across no mans land. Lack of cover is apparent. The colour image shows a peaceful Somme landscape today.