Private David Wilson, 1st/7th ( Territorial ) Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. He died in Hospital in France on 2nd May 1915, aged 25, of wounds received during the abortive attack near St Julien on 26th April. This was part of the Second Battle of Ypres. He was the only son of Margaret Brown ( formerly Wilson ) and the late Thomas Wilson of 5 Gibson’s Row, Spittal and is buried in Boulogne Eastern Cemetery. His Headstone is inscribed ” Till The Day Break And The Shadows Flee Away “. He was a Cooper to trade but before enlisting he had been employed as a postman in Berwick. The Battalion had only landed in France on 21st April before being rushed into Belgium to help in a counter attack during the Second Battle of Ypres.. The artist’s impressions depict the nature of the fighting during the Battle. The colour photo shows the impressive Memorial raised to commemorate the fallen of the 50th ( Northumbrian) Division of which the Battalion was part until February 1918. It was erected near the village of Weiltje where nearby the Division had fought its first action on 26th April 1915.