Private Joseph Edmondson, 9th ( Service ) Battalion, Black Watch. He was killed in action in France on 25th September 1915 on the first day of the Battle of Loos, aged 21. He was the son of James Mole Edmondson and Elizabeth Edmondson of Wellhouse, Harbottle and is commemorated on the Loos Memorial, Dud Corner, Loos, France. The Battalion attacked the very strong enemy positions in the Lens Road Redoubt, captured their objective but suffered very heavily losing 21 Officers and 680 Other Ranks with 360 of them being fatal. His brother Thomas also fell in the War ( see above ). The first picture shows an actual attack with the troops advancing into a ghostly cloud of smoke and gas. The second shows the village of Loos after its capture. The artist’s illustration depicts the Black Watch at Loos.